Countries: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program sends young Biomedical Engineers, anywhere outside the U.S. or Canada for one or more of the following activities: conducting academic or scientific research in a university or laboratory or pursuing cou ...

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Since 2007 StudyPortals has helped millions of students around the world to find and compare their dream education. With a dedicated Scholarship, they now also help to cover a significant part of the costs related to study abroad ambitions - helping even ...

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Honours those for whom the CFUW Charitable Trust receives memorial donations.

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The Christianson Grant is awarded to young Americans who have arranged their own service projects abroad. Proposed programs must be at least six months in length and emphasize a work component. The grant does not support independent research projects or a ...

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For the past two years, GotChosen has been giving away scholarships. During this time, they’ve been building brand awareness and a web presence. They’ve also helped a lot of people pay for their education.

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The AllPeopleBeHappy Volunteer Service Award enables volunteers to do service projects in the developing world. These Volunteer Service Awards enable impassioned young people to give of their time and talents while expanding their understanding of people ...

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The Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program provides financial support to high calibre scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. The CGS D will be offered to the top-ranked applicant ...

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According to Women in Aerospace, in 2010, roughly 10 percent of the aerospace industry was made up of women. While the number has slowly increased, there must be reinforcements behind each step forward. To assist the future of women in this field and othe ...

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